Hi, I'm Vadym πŸ‘‹
Software and Product Engineer with entrepreneurship vibe. I love building things and helping people.


With 8 years of experience in software projects and startups, I've grown as a Full-Stack Software Engineer (Web, Backend, Desktop, Mobile, IoT) with a focus on product, data analysis, design, and customer empathy. Proven in early-stage product companies and startups, I excel at bringing startups to the next level. My goal-oriented, problem-solving mindset and analytical approach drive success in every challenge I face. #ProblemSolving #Startups #Growth #FullStackDev #IdeaGeneration #Brainstorm

Work Experience


Open Source

Nov 2023 - Now
Product Engineer - Store (IC4)
β€’ Owning all processes in the Store team, including the development of new features, bug fixes, and maintenance.
β€’ Leading communication with contributors and maintainers to ensure the smooth operation of the Store.
β€’ Research growth oportunities and implement new features to increase the Store's revenue.


Aug 2023 - Oct 2023
Senior Full Stack Engineer
As a Senior Full Stack Engineer, I was responsible for designing, developing, and deploying software solutions for MMDSmart products that deliver real-time, low-latency capabilities for next-generation communications.

* Participation in designing and developing new features and projects;
* Performing demos to stakeholders along with the team;
* Investigating, diagnosing and resolving product issues.

Restream Inc.

Mar 2020 - Sep 2023
Full Stack Software Engineer, Product Owner, Product Engineer
Product Owner
β€’ Reorganised and updated services architecture and orchestration, migrated to Kubernetes cluster with Continuous Delivery.
β€’ Setup monitoring, logging, internal SLI / SLO metrics to automate problems detection and solve it faster.
β€’ Investigated and fix a big amount of bugs, and worked directly with users to reproduce and catch it.
β€’ Went through all legacy code, tested it, and a fixed amount of known/unknown bugs .
β€’ Worked on internal integration with new product - Browser-based Studio for live streams.
β€’ Contribute to our Public API, added new features, improving it’s core.
β€’ Managed and enhanced internal dashboards, driving increased functionality.
β€’ Developed Minimum Viable Product for Restream Events, successfully showcasing new ideas.
β€’ Integrated new platforms to expand customer base and engagement.
β€’ Created MVP of mobile application using Flutter & Dart, delivering a user-friendly experience.
β€’ Pioneered innovative features, contributing to the continuous evolution of the product.

Product Engineer at Growth Team
β€’ Successfully launched a promotional campaign for 'old' 'free' active users, resulting in an impressive 17x increase in conversion rates.
β€’ Designed and implemented effective improvements to the home page and onboarding funnels, leading to higher adoption rates and improved channel addition rates.
β€’ Introduced a new pricing system that saved over 7% of revenue while seamlessly transitioning old users from legacy pricing.
β€’ Conducted thorough A/B testing to optimize the checkout flow, resulting in an 12% increase in subscription rate for monthly plans and a 15% increase for annual plans.
β€’ Actively participated in internal hackathons to identify and address funnel issues, ensuring constant improvement in user experience.
β€’ Developed a standardized approach for conducting tests internally, coordinating A/B tests across engineering and support teams.
β€’ Managed and implemented experiments using external A/B testing tools through code injection and monkey patching techniques.

Product Engineer at Live Shopping
β€’ Developed and launched an MVP for the new Live Shopping experience, utilizing NodeJS backend with OAuth connection and advanced website-specific HTML scraping within a tight 4-week timeline to expand into complementary markets.
β€’ Contributed to the development of Streaming Studio (WebRTC) backend, delivering new features to production in just 2 weeks.
β€’ Enhanced the technical foundation of our product through extensive research on modern technologies, actively collaborating with the roadmap team.
β€’ Conducted multiple customer interviews with shop owners and streamers to gather insights and feedback on Live Stream Sales.
β€’ Led the transformation of the Live Sales MVP into a robust production version as the core backend engineer and co-product owner.
β€’ Played a key role in architecture development and ensured high code quality standards as the product scaled


Jun 2018 - Oct 2021
Full-Stack Software Engineer, Product Developer
β€’ Developed the Haverkamp Mobile Application, enabling users to remotely monitor and control IoT devices. Received positive client feedback, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.
β€’ Contributed to the creation of the GasBuild Boiler House Management System, delivering advanced functionalities such as real-time monitoring and remote control. Empowered clients to optimize boiler house operations and reduce energy consumption.
β€’ Led the development and implementation of the Modern Clinic CRM, streamlining appointment scheduling, patient record management, and billing processes. Improved operational efficiency and enhanced patient experience.
β€’ Discover more projects at https://raksha.bio

Here is the list of a couple of projects that I can highlight:
+ Modern Clinic CRM (Internal Clinic & Patient Management System)
+ Haverkamp Mobile Application (Controller for IoT devices)
+ GasBuild Boiler House Management System (Data Processing Server, Web Application Backend and Frontend)
+ Web Support Ticketing, Management, etc. via Telegram (Bot + TDLib)
+ Application for informational terminals for Kharkiv National University museum (C#, WPF)
+ Maysternya Pirogiv - React Native mobile application
+ Internal Security Alarm signalling service via TCP connection
+ Visual configuration compositor for Windows


Mar 2020 - Apr 2021
Software Engineer & co-founder
SPHOTS was created as a virtual product placement platform, which let local brands have a presence in international movies in the targeted territories. (Kind of Google Display in movies :))
We built an MVP, validated the product demand, and secured sufficient contracts. The business was put on hold due to COVID-19.

β€’ Developed and implemented an internal CRM system for optimizing the process of finding inventions for low-budget films, enabling salesmen to identify the most profitable films for investors.
β€’ Led the creation and architecture of robust backend services, ensuring scalability and reliability for core business processes.
β€’ Designed and built the frontend of the core application using React.JS, enhancing the user experience and streamlining workflows.


Jun 2016 - Sep 2020
Software Engineer & co-founder
Designed, architecture and developed a bunch of native mobile, desktop applications and powerful web-applications

I worked as a freelancer, as an individual and as part of a small team on large projects, mostly clients were found through personal communications. During this work, I sometimes acted as a team manager.


Jan 2018 - Oct 2019
Software Engineer
β€’ Designed and implemented the architecture of a Windows application
β€’ Developed data schema for efficient storage in a local NoSQL database
β€’ Created a visually stunning native application for sensor information panels using C# and WPF at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University's museum
β€’ Implemented automated synchronization across all terminals to ensure consistent and reliable data storage


Feb 2018 - Jul 2019
Lead Software Engineer & co-Founder
πŸ–ΌοΈ Responsibilities:
β€’ Core Systems: Develop, optimize, and maintain core engine technologies across all micro-services. Ensure redundancy and resilience of production infrastructure.
β€’ Technical Leadership: Leading the team in, right-sized, architectural decision-making for future product success on in-progress technologies and platforms
β€’ Define and be responsible for the product roadmap and prioritization of an evolving, high-growth product area impacting agent efficiency, automation, and deflection of the platform.
β€’ Combine customer insights, market trends, and our vision of delivering powerful capabilities in a simple way.
β€’ Communicate and collaborate across cross-functional teams - product marketing, sales, success, and advocacy to take features from idea to launch.
β€’ Meet with amazing customers, analyze product data, and research competitors to develop and communicate a vision for how we will keep building a phenomenal product/business.

πŸš€ Achievements:
β€’ Co-founded and led HoReCart.app, a startup streamlining supplier-restaurant interactions to save time and improve efficiency in the purchasing process.
β€’ Architected and developed the entire backend platform.
β€’ Conducted customer interviews with various restaurants, suppliers, and POS systems to gather valuable insights for product enhancements.
β€’ Established and maintained communication channels with potential investors, showcasing the platform's potential for growth and profitability.
β€’ Forged strategic partnerships with other industry players, fostering collaboration and driving mutual success.


Android SDK
iOS Development
React Native

Get in Touch

Want to chat? Just shoot me a dm with a direct question on twitter and I'll respond whenever I can.
Or reach me by email.